Rixie very active dog, with extra ball and food drive, she is very good in tracking, happy on obedience and adore the bite work. She likes swiming, jumping, quickly running and sunbathing :-) In training for champioships 2025.
We plan a puppies in Autumn 2024 "C Villi virta"
BH/VT (8/2022)
IGP1 (6/2023) protection 100 points :-)
IGP2 (7/2023) protection 92 points
ZVV1 (5/2024) protection 95 points
IGP3 (7/2024) 91-90-90 points
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.