Tiefgestellt, mittelkräftige, guter Ausdruck, gutes Gepräge, gut pigmentiert. Flacher Widerrist, in der Mittelhand betont gestreckt, kurze, waagerechte Kruppe, geringfügig zehenweiter Stand, normale Rippen- und Brustbildung, aus normal gewinkelten Gliedmaßen sollten bei leicht zehenweitem Gang der Vortritt freier und der Nachschub kraftvoller sein. An loser Leine fällt sich deutlich auf die Vorhand. Wesen sicher, TSB ausgeprägt; läßt ab.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.