IPO 3, IPO 2, IPO1, BH, Wst, AD
Klbsg., Ejsg., PSK-/VDH-Ch., Esg., Jsg., Kl.-Ch immer Vorzüglich, mehrfach BOB, BIS PSK Klubjugendsieger, VDH Europajugendsieger 2010, PSK Klubsieger, mehrfach BOB, mehrfach BIS VDH Champion Worldog-Show 2011 Paris, open class: Excellent PSK Champion, PSK Klub Champion Europasieger 2012, BOS, BOB World Dog Show 2012, Salzburg, Exc. 5/18 entries Jahressieger 2012, BOB, BIS Jahressiegerauslese 2012, 21.07.2013 CACIB Liege, Belgium
Apollo Vom Schloß Ehrenberg, V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB und nun Internationaler Champion
Apollo wurde schönster Hund der Gebrauchshundegruppe unter Hr. Pinto Teixeira aus Portugal und reserve BEST IN GROUP der FCI Gruppe 2
- Wst
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
2. VPG-Lehrgang im Boxer Klub OG Wuppertal mit Ronald Carpentier.
Apollo vom Schloss Ehrenberg
Free registration
IPO 3 90/81/82a!!!
Ich bin sooo stolz! Danke an ALLE die uns auf dem Weg begleiten haben!
Free registration
So schön ;-)
Free registration
IPO 3 90/81/82a!!!
Ich bin sooo stolz!
Free registration
IPO 3 90/81/82a!!!
Ich bin sooo stolz!
Free registration
IPO 3 90/81/82a!!!
Ich bin sooo stolz!
Free registration
IPO 3 90/81/82a!!!
Ich bin sooo stolz!
Free registration
IPO 3 90/81/82a!!!
Ich bin sooo stolz!
Free registration
CACIB Liege, Belgium
Judge: Mr Pinto Teixeira, Portugal
Apollo Vom Schloß Ehrenberg, Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB & finnished his INT CH
Apollo was also BEST IN SHOW Working Dog under honorable Workinggroup, judge Mr Pinto Teixeira from Portugal and res. BEST IN GROUP 2 under redpectable Groupjudge Mrs Opara from Poland.
Free registration
CACIB Liege, Belgium
Judge: Mr Pinto Teixeira, Portugal
Apollo Vom Schloß Ehrenberg, Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB & finnished his INT CH
Apollo was also BEST IN SHOW Working Dog under honorable Workinggroupjudge Mr Pinto Teixeira from Portugal and res. BEST IN GROUP 2 under redpectable Group, judge Mrs Opara from Poland.