Tochter von Ronja vom Morgenstern - zweimal Landesmeisterschaftssiegerin, zweimal Teilnehmerin der KLSP - Platz 4 und 7 und Mutter von zurzeit 28 Nachkommen mit VPG und FH Prüfungen, die auch schon an KLSP und FCI WM teilgenommen haben - und Gero von Erikson - Teilnehmer an LAP ( 2007 Landesmeisterschaftssieger) und KLSP ( dritter Platz 2007)
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.